Top 10 Customized Vehicles From Around The World

No matter where you go in the world, vehicles play a major role in almost every aspect of our lives. Vehicle ownership is seen by most as an essential part of existence in the modern world. Whether for pleasure or economic necessity, just about all of us will want or need to own a vehicle at some point. Is it any wonder then that around the world, people have taken their vehicles and made them into works of art? What better way to show your love and appreciation for your vehicle than decorating it with love and care? Here is my top 10 customized vehicles from around the world:

10. Dekotora (Japan)

Long thought of as a homogenous culture of cubicle drones, the Japanese can actually be just as creative and weird as anyone. Dekotora (an abbreviation of “decoration truck”) is a perfect example of how individualistic the Japanese can be. Built and owned by independent truckers, dekotora are regular trucks modified to look like the front of a Las Vegas casino. Except not so boring. A tangle of lights, decals, and massive chrome fixtures, these trucks light up the Japanese highways and rest stops as their owners gather to show off their designs. No two trucks are the same and owners take pride in making their trucks as outlandish as possible. Best of all, these trucks are actually used to transport goods.

9. Tourist Buses (Thailand)

Like dekotora in Japan, Thai tourist buses are riots of color and design. Custom painted by professionals who devote their lives to the art, these buses cruise around Thailand decorated with millions of different designs and images. From Disney characters to Japanese anime scenes, nothing is too outlandish or colorful to be masterfully rendered on the side of a bus. In fact, the custom painted buses are so widespread that the only kind of bus that would stand out on the streets of Bangkok is one with a regular paint job. In the tourist bus industry, garish colors and giant cartoon characters are the norm. Say what you want about these buses, but they sure beat getting into some crappy old grey Greyhound.

8. Choppers (U.S.A.)

american chopper
At the end of World War 2, millions of returning GI’s found themselves back home with a thirst for excitement that postwar life couldn’t satisfy. Many of them purchased motorcycles to enjoy the speed and freedom of the open road, but found the factory versions bulky and full of unnecessary parts. Putting the skills Uncle Sam had taught them to peaceful use, they modified and “chopped” their bikes to make them leaner and faster. Over the next twenty years, the art developed and a huge subculture was born. Although choppers largely faded from the public eye over the years, they saw a resurgence in the 2000’s with shows like American Chopper and brands like West Coast Choppers marketing the customized bikes to a new generation. Highly modified, dangerous and loud; perhaps no other custom vehicle better symbolizes the U.S.A. Which is lucky because that’s the only country in the world where you can legally drive one.

7. Itasha (Japan)

Let’s say you finally have enough money and power to buy that Italian sports car you’ve always dreamed of. A masterpiece of automotive engineering and raw power, it looks just as cool as it feels. Obviously, the first thing you’re going to do is run out and blow a whole bunch more money to have a sexy cartoon character painted on it, right? Strange as it may seem, for a group of car enthusiasts in Japan, that’s exactly what they do. Known as itasha (which means “pain car”- “pain” for “painfully embarrassing” or “painful on the wallet” – really) these cars are primarily owned, operated, and shown off by guys whose love for performance vehicles is matched only by their desire to make love to a cartoon. Although the itasha are starting to be seen in actual races and sponsored by actual companies, it’s still largely a labor of love. For the men who devote a sizable chunk of their pay checks to letting the world know just how much they love that cartoon schoolgirl with the pink hair, no amount is too much.

6. Lowriders (U.S.A.)

lowrider custome vehicles low rider
Although they’ve come to be associated with West Coast hip hop culture in recent years, lowriders have always been an integral part of Chicano culture. First built by Mexican Americans as far back as the 30s, lowriders and the culture around them developed and flourished during the postwar boom. Like the ex-soldiers who cut up their choppers, lowrider enthusiasts heavily modified their cars to ride as low as possible. After first using sandbags and cinder blocks, they moved on to actually cutting and shortening their cars. The goal was to be as “low and slow” as possible. One of the most famous lowrider modifications, hydraulics, was actually done as a response to a punitive law enacted by the state of California. Not pleased to have a bunch of what they saw as undesirables driving low and slow through their neighbourhoods, the state made it illegal to have any part of a car lower than its rims. To get around the law, one enterprising customizer took some pumps from an old B-52 bomber and invented a system where he could raise or lower his car depending on whether there were any cops around.

5. Mod Scooters (U.K.)

Mod scooters
The Swinging Sixties may have produced a lot of great music, but at its heart, it was all about style. From the James Bond dinner jackets to the Emma Peel cat suits, the secret mission in 1960’s London was to look as cool as humanly possible, and to spare no expense doing it. One of the more popular subcultures of the time, the mods, expressed their undying love of fashion in their motor scooters. Although they were largely working class kids, mods were influenced by Italian culture and fashion and loved the cheap, sleek Vespa and Lambretta scooters. Once they got them, they heavily modified their exteriors- especially the mirrors and lights. Not content to limit themselves to just two mirrors or one light, some Mods crammed as many rear-view mirrors and headlights as they could on their scooters. Never before or since in the history of motor vehicles has being safe been so cool.

4. Jingle Trucks (Central Asia)

jingle trucks
Though the name may sound silly (and maybe even a little offensive) jingle trucks are nothing to laugh at. These heavily adorned commercial vehicles are common throughout Central Asia, but the most elaborate are found in Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan. Covered in colorful paintings of houses, animals, vehicles, and pastoral landscapes, the jingle trucks are amazing to look at. Despite a common look, each truck is unique and is meant to be a reflection of the owner’s tastes and personality. One image common to most trucks is a human eye, meant to ward off evil spirits. But what sets the jingle trucks apart from other custom vehicles (and gives them their name) is of course the jingling. To get the signature sound, jingle trucks’ bumpers are decorated with long chains and charms hanging like curtains. In the harsh Afghan wind, these chain curtains act as wind chimes, letting everyone know a jingle truck is approaching. That’s if they haven’t yet see the giant painted eye staring at them.

3. Jeepneys (Philippines)

Originally built on the husks of surplus and worn out U.S. Army jeeps, jeepneys are a great example of how one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. When the U.S. army withdrew from the Philippines after World War 2, they sold or gave hundreds of their surplus jeeps to the locals. Happy to have a vehicle, but not so happy to have one designed for transporting soldiers, the Filipinos stripped the jeeps, extended the cabs, added roofs, and painted over the boring army green with all kinds of bright colors. The resulting vehicles were way more fun to look at and served a vital role in re-establishing public transportation in a country still trying to rebuild after years of occupation. They became a part of the culture and still exist today, although they aren’t built from old army jeeps anymore. Some manufacturers have even started to build “e-jeepneys,” jeepneys that run on electricity. These jeepneys of the future will help to ensure that the streets of the Philippines will never be drab, even after the oil runs out.

2. Customized Vans (U.S.A.)

custom van
Does anything say “The Seventies” quite like a customized boogie van? Although they first came to prominence among hippies and surfers in the Sixties, custom vans really came into their cheesy own after 1970. Inside, they were mobile living room masterpieces of shag carpeting, strobe lights and if you were really lucky, a mini-fridge full of cold brews and panty peeler. Outside, they were low culture tributes to the heroes of the day. Every sci-fi and fantasy character from Conan to C3PO was immortalized in air-brushed glory for all to see. Custom van culture combined the free-wheeling nomadism of the Sixties with the do-anything-to-feel-good hedonism of the Seventies. Moving fortresses of comfort, they cruised the streets and beaches, bringing all the comforts of home anywhere there was pavement. All that and they had wicked pictures of barbarians kicking major ass.

1. Custom Rickshaws (India, Bangladesh)

The only human-powered vehicles on the list, the custom rickshaws of India prove that just because your vehicle doesn’t have an engine, doesn’t mean you can’t trick it out. Although their use has largely faded in other parts of the world, rickshaws remain a common form of transportation in many cities in India and Bangladesh. Used as a cheap way to get around, rickshaws are an integral part of the transportation system. But what makes them great is the art. Covered in oil paintings that depict everything from movie stars to products to political commentary, they reflect the owner’s opinions and feelings while giving other people on the road something very cool to look at. In the past, elites looked down on the paintings as gauche examples of low-class culture, but recently artists and scholars have started to take them seriously as an art form. All this, and they’re environmentally friendly!

Top 10 Most Successful Actors at the Box Office

A good movie will transport you into a separate time or era with an intriguing story, everlasting characters, and imaginative plot development.  It could have a happy, sad, romantic, or action packed theme.  As a whole, the world population adores the character actors who star in these stories.  People can personally relate to certain movie characters and individual actors.  In the history of cinema, billions of dollars has been grossed in movie theatres and rental stores worldwide.  Certain actors have made their mark on the industry becoming the most successful at the box office.  I have compiled a list of the most successful actors in world history, according to money made on films they have starred in.

10. Robin Williams

U.S. Gross – $3,177,675,199
Worldwide Gross – $5,749,935,745


Robin Williams is a storied comedic actor who rose to fame with his role as the alien Mork in the TV series Mork and Mindy.  He quickly became an international celebrity and movie star in the 1980’s.  Williams is a bit of a goofy character, but is a great actor and can also tackle dramatic roles.  He has won six Golden Globes and three Grammy Awards in his career.  Robin William’s average film gross is $59,956,136 million dollars per movie.  Be sure to look out for his 2010 release Old Dogs.  In March of 2009 Williams had successful heart surgery to replace his aortic valve.  He has a tour planned and still travels the world performing his stand up comedy act.
Most Successful Films:
  1. Night at the Museum – $574,480,841
  2. Aladdin – $504,050,219
  3. Mrs. Doubtfire – $441,286,195
  4. Happy Feet – $385,000,317

9. Will Smith

U.S. Gross – $2,542,908,988
Worldwide Gross – $5,771,022,176


Will Smith is widely regarded as the most successful actor making films today.  His movies have an amazing average gross of $127,145,449 million dollars, which is the highest among lead actors.  He is the only actor in history to have eight consecutive films gross over $100 million in domestic box office sales.  Will Smith has also had eight consecutive films open at the #1 spot.  Unlike some individuals on this list, Smith has not earned movie credit for small roles or voice work.  In the future, he will be starring in the blockbuster Time Share and will also be making a prequel to I Am Legend.
Most Successful Films:
  1. Independence Day – $817,400,878
  2. Hancock – $624,346,274
  3. Men in Black – $587,790,539
  4. I Am Legend – $585,055,701

8. Morgan Freeman

U.S. Gross – $3,138,301,600
Worldwide Gross – $5,851,042,996


Morgan Freeman is one of the greatest character actors of all time.  He is rarely the leading man in films, but his role always stands out and is vital to the movies success.  He has one of the most dominant and recognizable voices in Hollywood.  He has starred in around sixty productions, which have an average gross of $64,046,971 million dollars.  Freeman has many upcoming films he is contributing to, including Invictus, The Last Full Measure, and The Maiden Heist.
Most Successful Films:
  1. The Dark Knight – $1,000,245,358
  2. The War of the Worlds (Narrator) – $591,745,532
  3. Bruce Almighty – $485,004,995
  4. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves – $390,500,000

7. Eddie Murphy

U.S. Gross – $3,470,799,901
Worldwide Gross – $6,211,397,821


Eddie Murphy is undoubtedly the most successful comedic actor of all time.  His films have an average gross of $99,165,711 million dollars.  Eddie Murphy began his career as an edgy comedian and performance actor.  Lately, he has turned to children’s films and continues to entertain billions of people worldwide.  Murphy has three films set to be released in the last half of 2009.  They are Beverly Hills Cop IV, The Incredible Shrinking Man, and A Thousand Words.  Shrek Forever After will be out in the middle of 2010.
Most Successful Films:
  1. Shrek 2 – $919,838,758
  2. Shrek the Third – $798,958,162
  3. Beverly Hills Cop – $316,300,000
  4. Coming to America – $288,800,000

6. Bruce Willis

U.S. Gross – $3,045,317,743
Worldwide Gross – $ 6,432,992,990


Bruce Willis is a true action hero.  He has appeared in over sixty films and usually plays the title role in his movies.  Bruce Willis was born in Idar-Oberstein, West Germany and his father was an American soldier.  He moved to Penns Grove, New Jersey when he was two years old, after his father was discharged from the military.  To date, his films have an average gross of $51,615,555 million dollars per movie.  He truly has a unique acting style and makes intense, edge of your seat, entertaining cinema.  Watch out for his role alongside Tracy Morgan in Kevin Smith’s newest comedy A Couple of Dicks, which will be out in January of 2010.
Most Successful Films:
  1. The Sixth Sense – $672,806,292
  2. Armageddon – $554,600,000
  3. Live Free or Die Hard – $383,531,464
  4. Over the Hedge- $336,002,981

5. Tom Cruise

U.S. Gross – $3,274,294,878
Worldwide Gross – $6,642,337,497


Tom Cruise is a true international celebrity.  He is cherished in Japan, Europe, and other areas of the world much more then many actors on the list.  This is because he often travels and visits many different countries.  Cruise is widely considered one of the most powerful celebrities in the world.  His films have an average gross of $96,302,791 million dollars.  He will be starring in the blockbuster Motorcade in 2010.
Most Successful Films:
  1. The War of the Worlds – $591,745,532
  2. Mission Impossible 2 – $546,209,889
  3. The Last Samurai – $456,810,575
  4. Rain Man – $412,800,000

4. Orlando Bloom

U.S. Gross – $2,390,308,637
Worldwide Gross – $6,554,217,251


Orlando Bloom is an English actor and the youngest member of this prestigious group of men.  He landed main roles in two of the biggest trilogies of all time, playing Legolas in The Lord of the Rings and Will Turner in Pirates of the Caribbean.  Orlando Bloom has an amazing average film gross of $183,869,895 million dollars per movie.  Bloom’s first main title role was in the 2005 release Kingdom of Heaven, which was a profitable hit making $211,398,413 million dollars worldwide.  Orlando Bloom is extremely popular in various areas of Europe and England.  He has an international draw that is matched by very few.  Some of his upcoming roles include appearances in the movies Sympathy for Delicious and Main Street.
Most Successful Films:
  1. The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King – $1,133,027,325
  2. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest – $1,065,659,812
  3. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers – $926,284,377
  4. Troy – $497,398,577

3. Harrison Ford

U.S. Gross – $3,630,449,689
Worldwide Gross – $6,657,454,464


In the past, Harrison Ford was highest grossing actor in the world, but has recently fallen to number three.  You have to keep in mind that Ford was popular during the 1970’s and 80’s when box-office sales were not as extravagant.  This article does not measure inflation scales.  A high majority of the most financially successful films in history have come in the last twenty years.  At one point in history, each of the top five box office hits of all time included one of Harrison Ford’s roles.  His films have an average gross of $98,120,262 million dollars.  Ford will be starring in the film Crowley, which will be out at the end of the year.
Most Successful Films:
  1. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope – $797,900,000
  2. Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull – $786,558,765
  3. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – $534,171,960
  4. The Fugitive – $368,900,000

2. Tom Hanks

U.S. Gross – $3,985,186,565
World Gross – $8,007,367,700


Tom Hanks is the most successful lead actor in cinema history with his films grossing over $8 billion dollars worldwide.  He is averaging a gross of $94,885,394 million dollars per film.  Tom Hanks has starred in over 50 movies and 19 of them made over $100 million dollars at the worldwide box office.  Although, he does have the animated features Cars and The Simpson Movie on his resume, which he only had minor voice roles in.  In 2010, Hanks will be starring in Disney’s A Christmas Carol and Toy Story 3.
Most Successful Films:
  1. The Da Vinci Code – $757,236,138
  2. Forrest Gump – $679,400,525
  3. Saving Private Ryan – $481,635,085
  4. Cast Away – $427,230,516

1. Samuel L Jackson

U.S. Gross – $4,458,983,764
Worldwide Gross – $8,640,150,950


Samuel L Jackson is the world’s highest grossing actor and his movies have made over $8.5 billion dollars worldwide.  Samuel is different from many actors on this list and has played smaller character roles in many blockbuster films.  You may argue that he doesn’t deserve the top spot over leading actors who have appeared in fewer films.  Although, Samuel L Jackson has been the busiest man in Hollywood for the last twenty years and should be commemorated for appearing in so many famous motion pictures, over 70 productions in all.  Movies that he has appeared in have an average gross of $57,166,459 million dollars.  As you would expect, Samuel L Jackson will be appearing in some upcoming features, including Iron Man 2, Quantum Quest: Cassini Space Odyssey, and Blown.  He is well aware of his sales record and is continuously trying to land roles in the year’s biggest blockbuster hits.
Most Successful Films:
  1. Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace – $924,288,297
  2. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith – $848,998,877
  3. The Incredibles – $635,564,642
  4. Iron Man – $582,313,199

Honorable Mentions:

Frank Welker

U.S. Gross – $4,954,899,301
Worldwide Gross – $9,282,114,860

Frank Welker is the most famous voice actor in Hollywood.  Over the last 40 years he has provided voice work and special effects for over seventy films and television series.  I have added him as an honorable mention because he is not a screen actor, but Frank is listed as number one on the list of the All Time Top 100 Stars at the Box Office, which is generated by total revenue in films he participated in.  The average gross for a film that Frank Welker was involved with is $55,054,437.
Most Successful Films
  1. Independence Day (Vocal Effects) – $817,400,878
  2. The Lion King (Additional Voice) – $783,839,505
  3. Aladdin (Abu the Monkey) – $504,050,219
  4. Beauty and the Beast (Footstool) – $403,476,931
Can’t Forget the Ensemble Actors:
When creating this list, one of the criteria was that the actor played a leading role in a portion of their featured films.  There is a small list of actors who are not officially leading men, but have starred in some of the biggest grossing movies in history.  Many of these men contributed to the widely successful Harry Potter series, but in order to get to the level of multi-billion dollars sales, an actor must have numerous popular roles.  Here is a short list of some of the actors that deserve recognition.

John Ratzenberger

Worldwide Sales – $6,475,185,574
Notable Voice Actor - Ratatouille, Cars, WALL-E, The Incredibles, Finding Nemo, and Monsters, Inc, also Cliff Clavin on Cheers.

Alan Rickman

Worldwide Sales – $5,974,545,031
Notable Films - Harry Potter Series, Robin Hood, Die Hard

James Earl Jones

Worldwide Sales – $5,952,493,986
Notable Films – Voice of Darth Vader, The Lion King, Coming to America

Ian McKellen

Worldwide Gross – $5,862,463,679
Notable Films - Lord of the Rings Series, Da Vinci Code, X-Men

Gary Oldman

Worldwide Sales – $5,761,120,790
Notable Films – Harry Potter Series, The Dark Knight, Hannibal